
The Gallery of Hooves

Mickey Feb 2021

This is the low foot, where the other is a club. Mickey has also previously had laminitis.

There is a long toe and weak heel and digital cushion

Mickey Oct 2022

Showing a much better heel angle and a stronger frog and digital cushion.

Koi Oct 2022

This is a first trim on a hoof that has only been barefoot for 12 weeks. The toe has been shortened post trim, the balance corrected.

Duncan Donkey

Top July 2022

Bottom October 2022

Duncan had very long feet, that were cracking chipping. His frog was weak as it was so far off the ground. Three trims later and a much better balanced hoof, with the structures in the correct place.

Molly July 2022

Left before Trim

Right After Trim

This is a first trim on a long term barefoot draft mare, whose feet had got too long.

Pod Oct 2022

Pod has been barefoot his whole life (except for one set of shoes when he was 4). He has super strong feet, that hold their shape and balance beautifully.


Top Aug 2020

Bottom July 2022

Solo had very weak digital cushions, to the point his frogs had dropped below the height of his wall. The hoof required time to strengthen and some helpful trims to nudge it in the right direction.


Top December 2020

Bottom July 2022

Popcorn has had metabolic changes in the past, coupled with feet that are quite flat. In shoes the heels had collapsed completely and the toe run forward. He was sore walking over stones shod. Taking the shoes off, making some changes to his management and putting him into boots and pads to allow the internal structures to strengthen means he now has a much more capable pair of hooves.

Gallery of Horses


5 Year old Pod demonstrating that not even the worst of British weather will slow him down.


My four about to embark on a 15 Mile ride in the Peak District. Solo and Pod bare all round. Popcorn and Mickey booted in front.


Side Saddle. No shoes. No problem.


At his first Event as a five year old when he was still barefoot

Chatsworth Hack

The halfway point of a 12 mile hack at Chatsworth in 2021. Solo was booted all round for this hack as I didn't know how challenging the terrain would be - answer in places very!


At his first Event as a five year old.